CloudData believes sustainability is vital to our success. Our internal performance and client satisfaction depend on how we provide for people and the environment, conduct our business affairs, employing the highest standards of personal and corporate conduct, serve and satisfy our customers and thus shaping our ability to sustain our own future. It also concerns how we support our employees, our business partners, the communities where we work and the next generation of professionals. We recognize that acting in a responsible and sustainable manner creates new opportunities, increases shareholder value, and enhances our brand and reputation with multiple stakeholders groups while protecting the environment and natural resources. This policy outlines our overall commitment to corporate responsibility and sustainability and guides our activities. It is an integral part of our core business strategy.
Our Core Values and Standards of Business Conduct, Environmental Policy, Occupational Health and Safety Policy, Anticorruption Policy, Supplier Code of Conduct, and many other internal policies, procedures and programs are sufficient enough to judge our commitment towards our society. These policies are based on internationally recognized standards and frameworks. We are committed to maintain high standards of honest, ethical and legal business behaviors at all times and complying with all applicable laws and regulations of the countries and locales in which we operate. Competing ethically for our business without paying bribes, kickbacks or giving anything of material value to secure an advantage is the principle of our business. Providing a workplace free from discrimination, harassment or any type of abuse is the commitment towards our employees without whom we cannot go forward.
We believe ethical solutions, friendly practices and relationships are vital for the success of any organization. At CloudData, we strive to constantly shape our solutions, mold our services and strengthen our relationships so as to make them more complementary to the values, ethics and transparent operations. After all, these values and business spirit are what is keeping us on our feet and also foster our ambitions to scale new heights and set new trends.We have stringent ethical solutions and services that are adamant to preserve the company’s interest and intellectual rights in a more lucid manner. We value our customers, thus ensure its confidentiality and operations’ protocol so as to allow them to make clear, productive and effectively managed decisions.
We deploy our solutions, based on the following ethics:
In order to maintain a nurturing and long relationship with the consumer and communities, it is critical to deploy solutions that are transparent, have an open module of operation protocols and ethical solutions and technology used to devise and design services.
Clients’ Expectations
CloudData has been striving to provide services that meets the requisites and addresses the needs of the client so as to surpass the expectations. This not only helps us build long-term and reliable relationships but also help us assess and analyze ourselves and provide us the space for further improvement and development.
Integrity and Reliability
We ensure our practices on two principles:
Our solutions are sincere in every aspect so as to avoid any conflict of interest and regulatory disobedience. We have designed a model that is open to feedbacks, constructive criticism and modules, essential for promoting and governing objectives.
Our solutions speak for themselves. Practices and services are constantly evolving themselves based on the level of engagement with the current markets trends and industries, spanning diverse geographical niches.
Virtue & Excellence
At CloudData, our teams are constantly striving so as to gain an edge over others in terms authenticity, reliability and transparency. We are constantly engaging ourselves to surpass expectations for our services, products, practices and company as a whole.At CloudData, we believe the importance of deploying solutions that are sustainable, efficient and transparent before their implementation to enhance, integrate or to promote business. This policy outlines the complete range of solutions we have to offer. Ethical leads and virtue, is what we strive for and forms a critical aspect of our core business and management strategies.
Our dedicated team of compliance and regulatory monitoring effectively evaluate each solution and practice before its application. Our compliance program is committed to promote toward CloudData’s ethics, integrity and excellence. For all these years, company has strived to perform better and enhance the experience of our customers with our practices.Our executive members are actively engaged in implementing market and business ethics to our novel, IT-based solutions in a more client-oriented manner.